模糊評論 – 光滑和閃亮嘅皮膚, 完美無瑕的青年外觀

Bluronica face serum Review布鲁奥尼卡 係一個強大嘅化妝品, 可以恢復和保持你既皮膚嘅後生外觀, 而無需昂貴的程序, 注射, 和整形手術. 緊身光滑的皮膚天然血清係高品質嘅, 並已在市場上. 由于 100% 用於其配方嘅生物成分. 僅在 4 天, 你就可以留意你既皮膚上的第一個可見的結果. 佢變得更健康, 更光滑、更緊, 同面一個青春嘅外觀同自然的新鮮感.

重要: Bluronica has been discontinued a long time ago. Instead of it we recommend Revita Naturalis. Face cream with great feedback from users. It is so effective thanks to its composition and powerful ingredients. 閱讀更多關於 Revita Naturalis in our detailed rewiew.

參與血清創建過程的專家認為, 他們可以開發出一種創新配方, 對真皮嘅外觀產生前所未有的積極影響. 採用特殊的科學方法由各種天然產品中提取有價值嘅成分, 具有很強的緊緊感和活力. 專利產品組合的主要亮點係雪藻同塞內加爾金藻. 其屬性由活性成分, 如罗比尼亚阿卡西亚和马卡达米亚油補充.

bluronica 係提供係一個非常有吸引力的價錢, 因為咁做係為咗畀更多嘅女士受益於後生同緊身皮膚嘅奶油驚人嘅屬性. 產品只能透過其官方網站訂購. 好多客已經喺在線美容和健康論壇上分享咗佢哋對它有效性嘅積極印象.


skin care, face serum, wrinkles


你可能有興趣找出哪些是最消極的因素, 可以惡化你嘅皮膚的外觀.

  • 脫水 – 當身體喺日頭冇消耗足夠的液體時, 就會發生呢個過程. 導致皮膚乾燥. 皮脂的產量正在下降. 如果表皮冇保持水分, 有細紋和皺紋的風險也會增加.
  • 太陽紫外線 – 所有皮膚科醫生和專家都警告說, 皮膚長時間暴露在陽光直射下會對皮膚的外觀產生不利影響。. 有害嘅陽光導致膠原縴維斷裂. 佢哋仲少咗體內拉佢蛋白同膠原蛋白嘅自然合成.
  • 應力 – 好多人認為壓力不能真正影響皮膚的狀況, 但事實完全不同. 高水平的壓力和焦慮可以增加激素皮質醇在體內嘅產生. 導致佢皮膚老化和彈性喪失.
  • 食煙 – 眾所周知, 尼古丁對表皮有害, 因為它會導致血管變窄. 使得皮膚更難獲得所需的營養和維生素.
  • 化妝 Regular application of heavy make-up is a process that damages the condition of the skin, no matter how premium products you use. All of them contain chemical elements that clog the pores and stop the dermal from getting the necessary substances for its fine look and health.


What is Bluronica

Bluronica is a 100% natural skin serum that slows-down the formation of wrinkles by accelerating skin cells‘regeneration. Unlike many other anti-aging solutions on the market, this product works in several levels and does not have a surface effect only. 也, this bio-solution has an enhanced skincare effect that protects dermis from external factors‘negative influence.

Bluronica will help you keep your skin young and to rebuild it when the first fine lines and wrinkles have already appeared. The serum improves the face oval and it makes the skin smooth and tight. Regular use of the cosmetic solution will internally rebuild your skin cells by keeping them hydrated. This is important because with age, the skin loses not only collagen but also moisture.


Advantages and PropertiesHere is a short list with the main advantages and expected effects of the innovative skincare cream:

  • Visible effect after only 4 天;
  • Boosted collagen production in 8 小時;
  • 100% 自然成分;
  • Restores the functionality of the skin;
  • Improves skin elasticity and tone;
  • Prevents destruction of skin cells;
  • 平滑細紋和皺紋;
  • 冇副作用;
  • Attractive Price and Delivery to Your Address.

重要: 截至目前, there are no complaints related to the occurrence of any side effects caused by the regular use of Bluronica. 呢, 然而, 並不意味著是不可能的. 請仔細按照說明使用, 獲得最佳效果.




  • 雪藻 係生長喺阿爾卑斯山斜坡上嘅植物. 它有助於重建皮膚嘅脂質層. 這種提取物也照顧皮膚的緊繃, 從而去除皺紋. 佢仲激活了青年基因, 既抑制衰老又再生皮膚細胞.
  • 金鱷魚同塞內加爾阿卡西亚 ·係一個複雜嘅, 改善了表皮細胞同真皮之間嘅連接. 它還增強了皮膚的更新過程, 並由表面層中刪除舊細胞. 呢種成分都提高咗膠原蛋白的生成和彈性.
  • 罗比尼亚·阿卡西亚 ·富含抗氧化劑, 中和自由基, 保護皮膚免受衰老.
  • 马卡达米亚石油 ·它含有維生素, 改善皮膚細胞的功能.
  • 藍莓 ·增加膠原蛋白產量, 並預感細紋和皺紋的形成;
  • 馬鞭草 ·佢縮小了毛孔, 改善咗皮膚紋理
  • 樹脂 ·提高皮膚的彈性, 令其光滑.

How to Apply Bluronica? 使用說明。

Instructions for use, serum

遵循抗衰老血清個個包裝嘅傳單上提供的信息. 根據它, 你要清潔你個面, 並準備皮膚同補品. 然之後, 你一定要申請 4-5 產品滴在臉上, 等待它得到乾燥.

Bluronica – Price and Order from the Official Website

Bluronica – Price and Order

你只能通過由官方網站訂購 bluronica 護膚解決方案. 嗰度, 你會發現一個簡短的在線訂單表格. 填寫並發送處理. 交貨通常需要 3 工作日和付款係基於交貨嘅現比.

如果你定期關注產品網站上的新聞, 你可以有機會由標準價錢中以極大的折扣購買佢 | 50%.

總之: 布鲁奥尼卡 係新釋放嘅抗衰老血清. 佢有 100% 天然成分, 包括來自各種植物和草藥的強大提取物. 該產品推薦用于日常使用, 不會引起副作用. 與同類化妝品解決方案相比, 效果仲好.
重要: Bluronica has been discontinued a long time ago. Instead of it we recommend Revita Naturalis. Face cream with great feedback from users. It is so effective thanks to its composition and powerful ingredients. 閱讀更多關於 Revita Naturalis in our detailed rewiew.